Friday, September 25, 2009

A few months ago my church had a contest to see who was the most "uncommon" in the church. Now when they say uncommon they don't mean weird or crazy, even though we are in a way, but they mean who lives out their faith and helps anyway they can. My whole family won the contest and we had to appear on stage for all 3 services. It was a fun time just to be with my family but I hated the being out on stage thing in front of hundreds of people. I enjoy every moment I get with them cause lately there hasn't been a lot now that I am in college starting up my life.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I know I am putting two posts up today but I missed last friday so I am making up for it. This picture on the left is of me and my best friend Chelsey. She has definitely been one of the greater things in life! This girl has put up with me for ten years! She was always there for me: When my car wouldn't start, when i was so stressed out i just blew up, when my cat died, when we graduated. Her and I will always be friends :) She has gone away to college now and I miss her bunches! We have made so many memories in our first chapter of life together and now the next chapter of life begins....
(purple is her favorite color)


Last Sunday I spent the day with my cousins at our friends birthday party. We were in a picture taking mood so that is what we did. We were running out of ideas when my little cousin ( the "o" in lovey) decided we should spell out the word love. We all thought it would be a great idea until we realized there was 5 of us and only 4 letters in the word love. We tried to make my cousin on the end an exclamation point but instead it turned into a "Y". I love this picture because it reminds me of how much fun I can have with my cousins/sister. We all lovey each other.